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Education. Week of the Family—Mid South

,FAMILY TIME= ,Children, + Mother, + Father & (Husbands/Wives)

Why an eduaction? [Advantages to gaining an education.]

Choices - Training - People - Technology - Flexibility - Campus Life

Choices. One of the best things about studying in the USA is the many number of academic options offered to students. Almost every field of study is available in the country. One can study everything from Chinese history to chemical engineering. Many different types of courses (classes) are offered at the high school level. Studies show the more classes you take and pass with a good grade (A or B) in high school, provide you with learning advantages in college studies.

Supporting Industries, Training & Research. Because of the vast wealth of resources in America, the opportunities for practical training related to your field of study are vast. Most college and universities have established affiliations with employers and researchers in different fields of study, thereby creating an avenue for students to obtain hands-on and invaluable experience. Many universities even require that students obtain practical training in order to obtain their degree.

People and Culture. America is a melting pot of people from all over the world. In general, the people are funny, gregarious, innovative, and eager to learn. These are traits that many take with them after college life. You will meet many different types of people from all different cultures.

Technology. Regardless of what degree a student chooses to pursue in school, he or she will have to use computers and other technologies in order to succeed. Many universities incorporate the latest technology into their curriculum, encouraging students to obtain proficiency before they go out into the workplace. Specialized technology, such as the top-of-the-line medical equipment in medical schools, allows each student to maximize their true potential and gain experience that is marketable in the real world.

Flexibility. Since the USA school system utilizes credit units and often accommodates working students, most schools offer academic programs that are flexible in nature. Meaning you can choose when to attend classes, how many classes to enroll in each semester or quarter, what elective or optional classes to take. Some degrees are offered on line via the internet. Education is very conforming to each student's needs.

Campus Experience. It has been said that the friends and experience obtained during campus life are worth as much as the education itself. Many make friends that last lifetimes. [You will gain a valuable education, if you put forth the effort, and gain many friendships]. Life lessons are learned in college life. Gain an education now to prepare for the future.






Yeah, it´s me! Aristotle
(384 BC – 322 BC)
Greek philosopher.

"A good life consists of leisure that is intellectually stimulating, creative, moral, and conducive to good human relationships."

GOALS 2008

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