

Designer > Who Is a Future Thinker
GA Trucking Portal
  • Date:
    Jan. 2015
  • Link:
    GA Truck Portal
  • Type:
    HTML5, CSS3, .NET, Custom Responsive Template, Custom Menu
  • Design:
    UX Research, Multiple Wireframes and Prototypes
The Challenge

The story was... could we convert an old .NET site to a Responsive site. This helped me learn about MVC .NET environment. This was a great learning experience with seasoned .NET Developers.

The Solution

The solution started with many wireframes and design questions for the homepage and internal pages. The main questions were how the trucker or secretary of a trucking company would use the website. I enjoyed learning some information about trucks and the trucking industry from the team. Then I created multiple HTML (clickable) prototypes before moving into development. Then the .NET Developers took over and used my designs and I learned how to get prototypes into a .NET environment. The programmers apppreciated my expertise in "design." They said you really know how to create and provide great wireframes that make sense and help with prototypes for the website. The end result, was satisfied managers, and customers. The customers said they found the site easier to use, with a very good user experience in the trucking industry.

  • GA Trucking Portal
  • GA Trucking Portal
  • GA Trucking Portal
  • GA Trucking Portal
  • GA Trucking Portal

Projects Completed
Cups of Tea
Pixels Created
Happy Clients